One Community Health

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What's Your M3 Score?

The M3 is a Three Minute Test for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and PTSD

Did you know that having a mood disorder may increase your heart attack risk and decrease your ability to recover from other illnesses like stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and cancer?

Your M3 score is a number that will help you and your doctor understand if you have a treatable mood disorder, like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or post traumatic stress disorder. You can even monitor your score to see how your mental health is changing over time.

What's your M3? Knowing can help you take control of your mental health, and you can discover yours in about three minutes with this free, confidential test.


Share your M3 Score with your doctor

  • Your doctor will use your scores to guide treatment recommendations, which may help you feel better faster

  • You and your doctor can monitor your progress over time

  • As your mental health improves, you’ll reduce your risk of serious medical events that are associated with mood disorders and improve your overall health